Warren’s War on Sandwiches and SEC’s Crypto Crackdown: A Tale of Overreach

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s antagonism toward Subway over sandwich industry consolidation mirrors the SEC’s aggressive crackdown on crypto – both seem instances of overreach absent genuine threats.

Competition and Decentralization: The Common Thread

Persisting Alternatives in Market and Tech

Senator Elizabeth Warren made headlines by demanding antitrust investigations into private equity firm Roark Capital’s proposed $10 billion acquisition of Subway restaurants – part of its growing sandwich chain portfolio including Jimmy John’s, Arby’s and others. Warren accused Roark of trying to build an anticompetitive “sandwich monopoly.”

This antagonism mirrors the SEC’s aggressive crackdown on the cryptocurrency industry, which also appears an instance of overreach absent genuine threats to consumer welfare or competition. Much like abundant sandwich choices check sandwich prices, crypto alternatives to sanctioned exchanges continue thriving. And decentralized tools often transcend jurisdiction, regardless of political posturing.

Just as competition persists around sandwiches, crypto alternatives to sanctioned players thrive on open blockchains. And like Amazon chargers, decentralized tools often transcend jurisdiction regardless of political posturing. Storms pass; freedom and choice remain.

Regulation by Enforcement: A Flawed Approach

Senator Lummis’ Stand Against Overreach

Senator Lummis rightly resists this regulation-by-enforcement approach that picks winners based on preference, not law. Congress never approved crypto guidance now deemed binding despite lacking statutory authority. Such unilateral overreach will only accelerate capital flight overseas as innovation proves borderless.

Demand for Fair Play and Innovation

Clear Rules Over Arbitrary Interference

The people demand due process and clear rules of the road, not arbitrary interference protecting incumbents. Success should stand undisturbed lest hunger for disruption go unfed. Existing laws cover actual fraud; no new ones are needed to punish imaginary villains. Let developers code without threat; market discipline will check excesses better than bureaucrats banning sandwiches or Bitcoin on personal whims.

The Future of Open Networks

Beyond Partisanship: Embracing Decentralization

The petty partisanship plaguing oversight risks stagnation, not progress. But open networks need no permission, sidestepping government gatekeepers. Cryptocurrencies operate beyond their grasp, empowering users where old systems fail them. The future will decentralize itself despite shrill protectionists railing against the tide of history.

Thank you for readingWarren’s War on Sandwiches and SEC’s Crypto Crackdown: A Tale of Overreach“.


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