The Immorality of Theft – How Money Printing Corrodes Society


This article explores how fiat money printing erodes societal integrity, incentivizing theft and deceit, while Bitcoin, with its hard property rights and fixed supply, promises a return to moral and just economic interactions.

The Immorality of Theft – How Money Printing Corrodes Society

Taxation as Institutionalized Theft

In the Roots of Coercive Exchange

Taxation, as posited by Ben Swann and Robert Breedlove, is fundamentally a violation of private property rights. Rooted in coercion rather than mutual benefit, it represents a form of institutionalized theft, undermining natural rights and disincentivizing productivity. This legalized seizure of assets sets a precedent for broader societal acceptance of non-consensual exchanges.

The Façade of Fiat

Inflation as Stealthy Expropriation

Fiat money, by its very nature, enables governments to covertly expropriate wealth from citizens. Inflation, a byproduct of unrestrained money printing, acts as a silent thief, clandestinely eroding purchasing power and time. This mechanism of wealth transfer benefits those closest to the money supply, fostering a culture where financial gain overshadows ethical conduct.

The Societal Rot Spreads

From Currency Debasement to Moral Decay

The debasement of fiat currency extends beyond mere economic ramifications. It births an environment where deceit and short-term gains eclipse long-term value creation. As central banks devalue currency, the economy shifts from productive, win-win scenarios to zero-sum games, marked by exploitation and reduced trust in the value of money itself.

Bitcoin’s Path to Virtue

A Beacon of Decentralized Ethics

In stark contrast, Bitcoin offers a blueprint for ethical monetary practice. Its immutable property rights and capped supply inherently reduce the incentives for theft and violence. This decentralized framework, devoid of manipulative control, lays the groundwork for a society guided by principles of fairness, transparency, and justice. The choice of our monetary system, therefore, is not just a financial consideration, but a moral one.

In conclusion, the path to societal rectitude lies in embracing monetary systems that inherently respect individual rights and discourage corrupt practices. As the understanding of the perils of fiat currency grows, a collective awakening is underway. This awakening is not just a rejection of the old, but a proactive movement towards building a future anchored in ethical foundations, where fear and manipulation give way to a new era of honesty and integrity.

Thank you for readingThe Immorality of Theft – How Money Printing Corrodes Society“.


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