Review and Analysis: Jeff Booth on Bitcoin, AI, and Why Deflation Is Coming | Natalie Brunell

This episode of Coin Stories with Natalie Brunell features an in-depth conversation with Jeff Booth, entrepreneur, investor, and author of “The Price of Tomorrow”. The discussion explores the intersection of Bitcoin, artificial intelligence, and the broader economic system, offering thought-provoking insights into the future of money and technology.

Key Takeaways

  1. The Natural State of the Free Market is Deflation

  • Booth argues that technology and progress naturally lead to falling prices and increased productivity.
  • He contends that our current economic system artificially creates inflation to counteract this natural deflation.
  • “The natural state of the free market is deflation and Technology would make that deflation happen at a way faster rate at an exponential rate and that deflation shouldn’t be feared because what it actually is is the productivity flowing to us so that we can live abund lives and do what we want.”
  1. Bitcoin as a Repricing Mechanism

  • Booth views Bitcoin not just as a currency or store of value, but as a protocol that reprices the entire economic system.
  • He suggests Bitcoin allows prices to fall naturally, in line with technological progress.
  • “Bitcoin stands is the only thing that uh that I’ve found that I’ve been able to that that can protect you from that and it stands and it’s that because it’s a it’s um it’s not a coin it’s a it’s a protocol bounded by energy.”
  1. The Symbiotic Relationship Between Bitcoin and AI

  • Booth sees Bitcoin and AI as complementary technologies that will reshape the economic landscape.
  • He argues that Bitcoin’s energy use will lead to more abundant and decentralized energy production, which will in turn support AI development.
  • “As Bitcoin decentralizes energy all over the world in behind that you’re going to decentralize AI.”

Guest Background: Jeff Booth is a technology entrepreneur, investor, and author. His book “The Price of Tomorrow” explores the deflationary impact of technology and its implications for the global economy. Booth’s unique perspective bridges the worlds of technology, economics, and cryptocurrency.

Implications and Actionable Insights

  • Investors should consider owning at least as much of their portfolio in Bitcoin as they do in traditional assets.
  • Individuals should focus on building skills related to AI and new technologies to remain competitive in the changing job market.
  • Policymakers need to reconsider economic models that rely on constant inflation and explore new paradigms that embrace technological deflation.


This episode challenges conventional economic thinking and presents a compelling vision of a future shaped by Bitcoin and AI. While Booth’s ideas may seem radical to some, they offer a thought-provoking framework for understanding the profound changes technology is bringing to our economic systems. As we navigate this transition, embracing new models of value and exchange may be crucial for individual and societal prosperity.

Thank you for reading “Review and Analyisis: Jeff Booth on Bitcoin, AI, and Why Deflation Is Coming | Natalie Brunell“.


  • “The Price of Tomorrow” by Jeff Booth
  • “The Bitcoin Standard” by Saifedean Ammous
  • “AI Superpowers” by Kai-Fu Lee

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