The Evolution of Email, Bitcoin’s Ossification, and the Importance of Adaptivity

In the ever-changing landscape of technology, the evolution of protocols plays a crucial role in shaping the future of various systems. Two notable examples are email and Bitcoin. Email has witnessed significant growth and faced challenges like spam, while Bitcoin, as a decentralized cryptocurrency, has undergone a process known as ossification. This article explores the evolution of email, the potential problems associated with Bitcoin’s ossification, and the importance of adaptivity in technology protocols.

The Evolution of Email: The Problem of Spam

Email has been a staple communication tool for decades. However, its success and widespread adoption have come at a cost. With the rise of spam and adversarial actors, email protocols faced challenges in adapting to the changing landscape. The decentralized nature of email, governed by the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), led to the emergence of centralized gatekeepers imposing meta-protocol rules. These rules hindered the ability of sovereign email users to have their emails delivered without adhering to the centralized rules. As a result, email protocols had to rely on piecemeal solutions, often leading to centralization and compromised user sovereignty.

Bitcoin’s Ossification: Potential Problems and Solutions

Similar to email, Bitcoin is a protocol that has experienced ossification. Ossification refers to the hardening of a protocol’s rules, making it resistant to change. While protocol ossification can provide stability and security, it also poses potential challenges. The fear is that if Bitcoin ossifies at the protocol level, it may hinder its ability to adapt to future changes and address emerging threats effectively.

One solution proposed to tackle ossification is the incorporation of economic principles within the protocol itself. An example of this approach is Adam Back’s proposal of “hashcash” in 1997. Hashcash leveraged the concept of proof of work to combat email spam economically. By introducing economic incentives and making protocol-level modifications, it is possible to address challenges without compromising decentralization and individual sovereignty. However, such solutions require continuous evaluation and consideration to maintain the balance between adaptivity and security.

Lessons Learned: The Need for Adaptivity

The evolution of email serves as a valuable lesson for the development of protocols like Bitcoin. Email initially worked well but encountered stressors due to mass adoption and the emergence of adversarial actors such as spammers. Unfortunately, the protocol was not modified adequately to adapt to the changing landscape. Instead, solutions were implemented through external measures, leading to centralization and compromised user sovereignty.

To avoid similar pitfalls, it is crucial to emphasize adaptivity in Bitcoin development. The ability to react to attacks, address changing needs, and embrace new ideas is essential for the continued growth and relevance of the protocol. While ossification may provide stability, it should not impede progress or hinder the capacity to counter emerging threats effectively.

Toxic Bitcoin Maximalism: A Sociological Perspective

Bitcoin’s journey has not been without its share of toxic maximalism. Toxic Bitcoin maximalism refers to the extreme tribalism and hostility that can arise within the Bitcoin community. While some level of passionate defense of core principles is expected in a nascent technology like Bitcoin, toxic maximalism can hinder constructive discourse and impede progress.

Understanding the origins of toxic maximalism sheds light on its sociological underpinnings. The scaling debates within the Bitcoin community fueled ideological divisions, creating an environment where tribalism and heated arguments became commonplace. However, as Bitcoin matures and ossifies, the need for toxic maximalism diminishes. Instead, nuanced discussions and adaptivity should take precedence to foster a healthy and collaborative ecosystem.

The Importance of Adaptivity and Trial & Error

The key takeaway from the evolution of email and Bitcoin’s journey is the significance of adaptivity and trial & error. Protocols need to strike a delicate balance between security, stability, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Just as email protocols failed to adapt to the challenges posed by mass adoption and spammers, Bitcoin’s ossification without adaptivity could hinder its ability to address future threats effectively.

Embracing trial & error allows for experimentation, innovation, and the discovery of novel solutions. While it may result in failures and setbacks, it is through this process that true progress is achieved. Bitcoin should encourage a vibrant developer ecosystem where ideas can be explored, tested, and refined. By embracing adaptivity and trial & error, Bitcoin can continue to evolve and stay resilient in the face of new challenges.


The evolution of email and Bitcoin provides valuable insights into the importance of adaptivity and the potential pitfalls of ossification. Email’s struggles with spam highlight the need for protocols to be flexible and responsive to emerging threats. Bitcoin’s journey, with its own challenges of toxic maximalism and ossification, emphasizes the significance of fostering a collaborative environment while maintaining the ability to adapt.

As Bitcoin continues to mature, it is crucial to strike a balance between security, stability, and adaptivity. Solutions like MiniScript empower better self-custody options, while wallets like Wasabi Wallet and custody solutions like Casa prioritize privacy and security. By learning from the past and embracing adaptivity, Bitcoin can remain at the forefront of the decentralized revolution, enabling individuals to reclaim control over their financial future.


  1. Lopp, Jameson. Twitter: @‌lopp. Retrieved from

  2. Breedlove, Robert: Retrieved from

  3. FTC:

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not constitute financial advice. Cryptocurrency investments are subject to market risk, and readers should do their own research and consult with a professional advisor before making any investment decisions.

*Remember, the ethos of Bitcoin lies in the pursuit of individual freedom, privacy, and the decentralization of power. As we strive for a better future, let us embrace the values that underpin this movement and protect the principles that make it possible.

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