Is America Declaring War on Cryptocurrency?

The United States’ stance on cryptocurrencies has become increasingly stringent, giving rise to a perception of growing hostility towards digital assets. This shift in attitude has led to a decline in the number of cryptocurrency firms based in the US and has created an atmosphere of regulatory uncertainty, making investments in the sector riskier than ever before.

Regulatory Pressure and Industry Challenges

Even before the recent developments, the cryptocurrency sector was grappling with the fallout from collapsing virtual currency prices and the high-profile implosion of firms like FTX, which faced allegations of significant financial fraud. In response, US regulators have intensified their oversight of the sector, arguing that cryptocurrency firms have been flouting financial rules designed to protect investors since at least 2017.

The regulatory scrutiny has primarily impacted firms involved in token or coin offerings to raise funds, as well as the exchanges facilitating the buying and selling of these digital assets. This heightened scrutiny reached a critical point with legal actions initiated against two of the largest platforms in the industry, Coinbase and Binance. Gary Gensler, the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), defended these actions by drawing parallels to the regulatory landscape of the 1920s, highlighting the need for updated rules and regulations.

Impacted Sentiments and Market Consequences

These developments have significantly dampened industry sentiments since the heady days of 2021 when the cryptocurrency market boasted a value of over $3 trillion and appeared poised for broader acceptance. Lawsuits triggered the withdrawal of billions of dollars in funds, and certain banks have restricted their dealings with Binance, leading to its discontinuation of accepting US dollars. Consequently, popular trading app Robinhood announced it would delist specific assets named in the lawsuits.

Critics argue that the SEC has adopted a hostile “regulation by enforcement” approach, seemingly aimed at bolstering its own political standing. Despite the industry’s persistent efforts to propose new rules, the agency has been accused of refusing to recognize the distinctions between different types of crypto firms and the unique characteristics of the technology itself. For instance, the decentralized automated processing inherent in cryptocurrencies poses challenges to existing regulatory frameworks.

Currently, the total value of the crypto market is approximately one-third of its peak, and trading volumes have experienced a significant decline. Public trust remains low, and developer interest in the industry is dwindling. Some, including law professor Hilary Allen, argue that cryptocurrencies are inherently prone to boom-and-bust cycles and insider manipulation, leading them to advocate for a complete ban.

Optimism Amid Challenges

However, not all predictions for the future of cryptocurrencies are doom and gloom. Some positive indicators suggest potential resilience in the face of regulatory pressure. The number of active addresses on the blockchain and the execution of smart contracts continue to rise. Investments in new companies and protocols persist, despite the potential limitations imposed by the loss of the American market. Many individuals in the crypto industry are holding out hope for a reprieve, whether from the courts, Congress, or a change in leadership at the SEC.


The current regulatory climate in the United States reflects a deepening battle against cryptocurrencies. The landscape has become more challenging for firms in the sector, with increased regulatory scrutiny and a growing sense of uncertainty. While public trust and investor sentiment have been significantly impacted, some positive indicators hint at the potential resilience of cryptocurrencies. The future of the industry will likely depend on legal outcomes, legislative actions, and the evolving landscape of regulatory oversight.


  1. Business Insider

  2. CoinDesk:

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