Review and Analysis: Bitcoin and the Central Bank Mind Virus with Chris Sullivan (WiM488)

This episode of the What is Money Show features a wide-ranging discussion between host Robert Breedlove and guest Chris Duane on the nature of money, central banking, private property rights, and Bitcoin. The conversation explores how central banking and fiat currency have eroded property rights and societal values, and positions Bitcoin as a potential solution to restore sound money principles.

Key Takeaways

  1. Central banking and fiat currency are the root cause of many societal problems

The guests argue that central banking and the ability to print fiat currency are the source of numerous issues plaguing society, from the debasement of currency to the erosion of property rights. As Chris Duane states:

“Largely you look at periods like the Renaissance and Enlightenment, they occurred directly because of the fall of one and the decentralization that occurs after the fall of centralization. There’s a direct correlation to creativity, innovation and freedom.”

They contend that the centralized control of money allows for manipulation of the economy and society at large.

  1. Private property rights are fundamental to a free society

The discussion emphasizes the critical importance of private property rights as the foundation for individual liberty and societal prosperity. Robert Breedlove notes:

“Private property is natural in a Darwinian sense just as it is natural in more of a theological founding father’s, you know, Judeo-Christian Western Civilization sense. It is true in both senses.”

The guests argue that central banking and government overreach have systematically undermined property rights over time.

  1. Bitcoin represents a potential solution to restore sound money principles

Bitcoin is positioned as a technological innovation that could help reestablish sound money and protect property rights. As Chris Duane states:

“Bitcoin is why we’re even having these dialogues. Imagine we didn’t have this, imagine the degree we’d be depressed. It’d be very hopeless.”

The guests see Bitcoin as a way to opt out of the fiat currency system and create a more decentralized financial infrastructure.

Guest Background

Chris Duane is presented as a quantitative portfolio manager and successful startup founder with a deep interest in history, economics, and sound money principles. His perspective combines practical financial experience with philosophical and historical knowledge.

Implications and Actionable Insights:

  • Educate yourself on monetary history and sound money principles
  • Consider allocating savings to Bitcoin as a hedge against currency debasement
  • Build connections with like-minded individuals to create resilient communities
  • Advocate for policies that protect property rights and limit government/central bank power


The episode presents a stark critique of the current monetary system and its societal impacts, while offering Bitcoin as a potential path forward. The guests emphasize the importance of education, community-building, and individual action in the face of what they see as a pivotal moment in monetary history.

Related Resources

  • “The Road to Serfdom” by F.A. Hayek
  • “Human Action” by Ludwig von Mises
  • “The Bitcoin Standard” by Saifedean Ammous
  • “The Sovereign Individual” by James Dale Davidson and William Rees-Mogg

Thank you for readingReview and Analyisis: Bitcoin and the Central Bank Mind Virus with Chris Sullivan (WiM488)“.


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